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make it pop is a design thinking card game for icebreakers.

make those super awkward icebreakers a little less chilly with this easy to use game/tool!

Icebreakers can easily be uncomfortable, and often surprisingly ineffective for the work they take.

make it pop is the sure-fire way to fight off these icebreaker problems like the creativity draining zombie horde they are.


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Try make it pop

make it pop is a design thinking card game with over 200 cards and 1.5 million possible card combinations

FitnessLabPT plays make it pop to improve her brainstorming methods

“I think this is really good for team building and for generating ideas!”

Margarita Grigoriadi
Running/Triathlon Coach

Watch Video – 4:52

Personal Trainer plays make it pop for Brainstorming

It’s pretty awesome for icebreakers

make it pop is a design thinking card game for icebreakers that’ll keep your sessions productive, engaging, and – dare we say it – even fun.

1. Choose a Black Task Card
Choose a black task card
2. Choose a White Client Card or a Red Client Card. Red Client Cards are unconventional clients and boost Design Thinking much faster
Pick a white or red client card and...
3. Now let your imagination run wild and brainstorm, create and design something badass.
You've got the makings of a badass icebreaker, but...
4. If you want to make this design thinking card game even more difficult, select a dynamite blue card and play on hard mode!
Wanna play on hard mode? Choose a dynamite blue card and let the bonding begin!
make it pop: The #1 Most Badass Design Thinking Card Game for Icebreakers 1

A design thinking game for icebreakers that’ll thaw the awkwardness!

Using make it pop as an icebreaking card game lets people have a productive icebreaker session that still manages to be engaging, and – dare we say it – even fun.

We know how difficult it can be to get people collaborating and working together when they don’t want to. That’s why we came up with make it pop! We realised that people tend to talk and interact a lot better when they’re having serious fun, and beers…

Defeat creative block using serious play with this design thinking card game for icebreakers
Chip away at creative blocks with this design thinking card game for icebreakers

How can make it pop thaw your icebreakers?

Any icebreaker worth its salt revolves around forcing a group out of their comfort zone to grow comfortable in their new surroundings, and with their new co-workers – and what better way to do so than a tasteful, but hilarious card game?

Add on the fact that an unconventional icebreaker will bring a team closer together faster, and you’ve the only thing better at breaking the ice than ten hairdryers taped together – and considerably easier to store!

A kickass design thinking card game for icebreakers that'll thaw the awkwardness
make it pop: The #1 Most Badass Design Thinking Card Game for Icebreakers 1

What People Think

Mark Robbins @ Rebel: It’s a great way to get the creative juices flowing because it gets you thinking outside of the box. - Rhiannon Davies @ Hedgehog Labs: Brilliant idea. Great for team building too.
make it pop: The #1 Most Badass Design Thinking Card Game for Icebreakers 3
make it pop: The #1 Most Badass Design Thinking Card Game for Icebreakers 1

Download the sample deck and run your own badass workshop!

Simply give us your email address and we will send you everything you need. Pssst... There's over 200 possible card combinations in this deck!